Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Untouched and first time candid

Before i start i want to let you know at the end of this write up i'm gonna offer a one off deal to ask me any question you want and i will answer with the complete and absloute truth.

Okay so here we go. It's me. Just me. No fancy gimmicks, no retouching in fact straight from Card to blip.


Most people don't really know a lot about me. Friends Collegues even family. Sure a lot of people know 'Paul'. Yeah Pete's old boy the one who swears a lot, used to be in the army, think he is a prison officer now. He moved to Boston no-one see's much of him anymore.

Yeah maybe people do know i swear to much, i have a raging temper if people hurt my family. My job does involve me using physical force on other humans at times. Man when i lived in Gernamy i drank way to much and fought with the Turks for fun on a weekend. I held my head high when i came home and upset most of my old school friends because i made something of my life instead of staying in a dumb shit kicking hick like hillbilly godforsaken hell hole village for the rest of my life driving a tractor and sleeping with family members.

However what people don't tend to see, either through choice or ignorance is, in company of my nan i don't so much as say, bugger. People can wrong me in all kinds of ways but if it doesn't directly affect my wife or child i tend to just let it go. There have been days at work where i've sat for two hours past my home time to talk a very troubled man out of taking his own life. I now only drink 2 or 3 times a year and choose to spend my spare time playing games with my son or having days out with my family. I really wish i'd worked harder at keeping my old friends because new ones can be kinda hard to come by.

What i'm trying to say is no one really knows me and i've always quite liked it that way. However sometimes it is nice to let people in. Those people are you. Some of you may wonder what kind of guy spits his dummy out and posts a black image. I'll answer that for you. A very complex one..

In actual fact i am gonna answer anything you want. A one off deal. Feel free to ask me any question you want and i will answer it as honestly as i can. Honesty is something i deal in a lot. Please try and keep the question about me as my only knowlage of History is that it is old. And please try to remember my mum is on blip so if we can keep it a little bit clean. But i will assure you if you ask me...i'll tell you, i cried at Meercat manor or i actually quite enjoyed Take Thats last album.

This beats whining and posting a black blip eh?

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