Pop's Life

By pop

Foggy Morning on the River

I decided to take an hour off before I opened the office and head up to the Cape Fear River. It's just 10 minutes from my house. I don't go there enough. The river had a major role during the Civil War and it's name was used in a very good movie as well as a remake. (the movies are highly recommended)

I hope you will view LARGE.

I thought the fog would add some interest, but I think the "fog" was actually fine ash from a very long-burning forest fire (maybe 2 - 3 months now). Although I saw no soot, I could smell it slightly and there was no reason for fog to form.

I want to thank you who read my journal regularly. My children and my three grandsons in CT and NY grendsons are all OK! No floods. The power came back and I can rest.

I also want to thank you for having two of my images spotlighted this week

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