
Kerr spent the day with Gran and Grandpa and Lucy, as he does every Monday. Mum said it is really funny when they go out in the double buggy now and chat away to each other. Apparently they were pointing out lorries, trees etc. They walked past the hairdressers and Kerr said 'haircut, nice' while touching his hair. They then went by Tunnock's factory and Kerr was saying 'biscuits'. While passing a house with a large number 2 on the gate he said 'that's a 2'. I don't know how he knows this because he has shown no signs of recognising any numbers at home. Makes me wonder what else he knows but is keeping up his sleeve until he decides to tell us!

Kerr was late to bed this evening. We collected kerrsdaddy from the train station at 7pm and then headed to B&Q at Parkhead on the search for paint for the hall. We have finally chosen a colour - actually we were undecided between two shades, so Kerr made the final decision. There was a 3 for 2 offer which finished tonight so luckily we managed to buy what we needed and saved a bit of money too.

Bedtime routine is usually milk, story, teeth. We skipped the story tonight because it was almost 9pm, so we sang some nursery rhymes instead. He loves 'Miss Polly had a Dolly'. Especially when we get to the bit when she was sick, sick, sick. We then all pretend to vomit loudly and Kerr falls about laughing :-D
I guess we should just teach him the normal way, but it is so funny seeing him laugh, and he now expects us to pretend to throw up at that bit.

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