Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Bank Holiday Sunshine

This blip shows me & Ann on the roof terrace of the Pedn Olva Hotel enjoying a glass of wine. Where better to end my walk today? We met up with a friend and had a natter for an hour or so.

However, Ann is sooo disappointed with me. I have really let myself down?!

On the way home we walked through the field, next to my house, and because there were two or three other doggies there I was allowed off my lead so I could have a play with them. Well, just at that moment one of the horrible little buses that go from the beach to the car parks passed by the field. I hate the noise they make so I went into chase mode.

I ignored the other dogs and went racing to the top of the field where I jumped over a wall, ran into the road and tried to chase the bus. By this time though the bus was too far away so I just trotted into my own car park. Fortunately by the time Ann caught up with me a man with a spaniel was 'standing guard' in case I went off chasing again. Well why would I want to? - the bus was miles away.

Ann thanked the man and said I hadn't been that naughty for years!

Ann is sooo, sooo upset with me. She said I could have been killed, or even worse, killed someone else?!

Now I'm never, ever, going to be let off my lead in the field again!!!!!

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