
By tookie

Gander's Head Band

Here is Gander sporting his new cool looking karate man head band made by his nephew E who finger knit this for him....How cool is this!!!! Both Nephew E and niece A were doing finger knitting projects and some fine gifts were the result. Thank you E for dressing my '"little boy" up so finely:)

We all had such a loving and fun filled weekend at the new home of Goose's parents who now live very close to their other daughter and their grandkids. We had so many fun shared times at their home and in the city. Lots of laughs and pranks and hugs. Thank you to them and to the kids for the gift of their coming over all the way from Spokane to surprise all of us. A loving family time was the best gift ever. xoxo mama C

Back blips begin here of trip Friday and
here Saturday

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