Definitely Visible

By allieballie


Possibly my lamest blip ever. Had been going to take a photo of my table in the café at Glenwood High School this evening. My picture was going to have a cup of coffee and last Sunday's newspaper supplements on it and I was going to talk about how J's swimming was back on again after the holidays and how coffee and newspaper supplements are how I always pass the time while he's in the pool. However I was thwarted by the fact that the kiosk was closed tonight so there was no coffee to include in my photo. In retrospect I should have just gone ahead and snapped the newspapers but I didn't. I am always disappointed if the kiosk is shut because I look forward to my Thursday coffee there, so I was a bit downhearted and didn?t think about what I was going to blip now instead.

J wanted a McFlurry after his swim so we drove down to McDs and went to the drive-through for it. As we did so J announced that there was a grey rabbit on the grass across from us. So there was! It was on his side so I thrust my phone at J and told him to take a photo of it. It's not a great photo - not J's fault - the car was moving a little at the time - but it was the only one taken today so I have nothing else but this to upload I?m afraid.

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