H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

thanks for looking after the cat

I'm just sorting myself out (still in denial at being home from my hols) and have come across this cat-caring gift which I shall give to my buddy Lisa. She looked after the animal a few weeks ago, an act of kindness as yet unacknowledged.

One of the things I love about Lewis/Harris (I'm sorry, I'll stop going on about it soon) is the number of cottage industries. Harris Tweed is famous, and accounts for a lot of the little businesses all over the place. But one that I discovered on this trip is the Hebridean Soap Company.

If you're on Lewis, it's really worth popping in. Don't get me wrong, we're not talking about an extensive day trip, it's half an hour at most. But the amazing woman who owns the company is very forthcoming with information about how they create, package and sell the 16000 bars of soap they sell each year, how it all works, and how she has to rescue rabbits from her cat on a regular basis.

And the whole place smells truly lovely. As will Lisa, if she chooses to use this soap.

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