Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Mother's Pride

Blippers who follow my journal regularly will recognise this pose - my youngest son holding aloft a footy trophy after winning a tournament. Well I make no apologies for today's copycat blip, he's my son, I love him and I'm proud of him :-)

The footy season is once again upon us (did it really ever go away?!) and today was the first tournament of many. I missed the first match but when I arrived I certainly didn't expect this outcome as they lost their first match. Luck, and a lot of hard work turned it around but it could have been a different story.

The tournament took up most of the day (as footy parents will know) so there's not much else to report.

Bank Holiday tomorrow - that must mean rain then????!

If you want a good laugh - check out Sparky Markie's blip.

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