
By SomeGuyInNJ

When life gives you lemons...

...just eat'em.

After finishing off packing everything from outside up and dismantling th rusted together gazebo we thought we'd go and get some lunch to get a good meal in us ready await Irene. Well we couldnt actually finish packing everything up till we got back as if we'd have finished first we wouldnt have been able to get eithers of the cars out.

Little Monster was eating all the slices of lemon she could get from our drinks. Bite it, pull a face then bite again :-)

Irene is just starting to wave her arms in our area. The last few hours it has been getting increasingly rainy. Before it even started raining the ground outside was squelchy and each footprint in the grass left a little puddle.

Some of the news coverage can be amusing including this quote from NJ Governor Christie "You know I saw some of these news feeds upstairs of people sitting on the beach on Asbury Park. Get the hell off the beach in Asbury Park and get out. You're done. It's 4:30, you've maximized your tan. Get off the beach.". I think by his reckoning some people just arent taking the 500 mile wide hurricane approaching seriously enough...btw Asbury Park had been given a Mandatory Evacuation warning a few hours previously.

I am glad I am not still living in my last house in West Haven, CT. We were on a little peninsula type thing with the shore 200ft away up the street and also behind the house. We were on the block next to the road that went along the shore. I Imagine that place will be swimming when Irene arrives.

Well I'm off to get ready for 21 hrs of heavy rain and strong winds. I'll either be back tomorrow with a pic of windy rainy stuff or if we've lost power, I'll be back when ever they manage to get the power back on. We have been told no power for days or weeks is possible. Hopefully eventually there will be a drive here for powerlines to be put underground. When they are above ground all the way from the power station right to your house it makes situations like these so much more difficult than they have to be.

We have lost power once or tice a week for the last month for hours on end each time we have the smallest thunderstorm because the ground is so wet. It is very improbable we will get through the next 36 hrs with power.

One report I saw a few hours ago said here in the mountains we can expect higher rainfall... 12-18 inches in the next 24hrs or so. Can you imagine what the waterfalls are going to be like on Monday! Its a shame in a way, because I dont think I'm crazy enough to go find them through forest paths with trees with their roots suspended in a muddy mix of dirt and water... Probably not a good may to imporve ones life expectancy.

Oh yeah amonst all the fuss with Irene I forgot to mention that I sold my first framed prints on Thursday which was nice :-) Two 12x18 prints matted in black with a white core in a black wooden frames.

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