All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Little & Large

It was a busy Saturday today!

Hubbie & I took Ethan to his first gymnastics class this morning. Apart from a forward roll there wasn't actually much gymnastics involved but hey, what can you expect from a 20 month old! Ethan seemed to enjoy himself though and that's the main thing. We also bumped into the couple whose daughter was in the incubator beside Ethan when he was in SCBU! It was them who recognised us and started chatting to us but as soon as they said who they were, I remembered them. So nice to see both the babies doing so well now!

After a trip round Asda, we dropped hubbie at home and Ethan & I then headed over to visit Foreveryoung. Granny was there too as she had stayed the night, and later on, one of Foreveryoungs friends popped over for a visit too.

Mid afternoon Ethan & I took Granny to the bus station in Livingston and then had a wander round The Centre. Hubbie had by now gone over to Wishaw to help deliver bottled water to people whose water supply was broken so we came home to an empty house. Ethan was in a great mood this afternoon though. He loved his pasta dinner, then we had lots of playtime, then fun bathtime, followed by his nightime milk. Hubbie usually gives Ethan his milk and they watch a bit of tv too. I don't really agree with the tv part so tried it in a quiet bedroom tonight. However Ethan was soon pointing at the tv and making it clear he wanted it on! So Total Wipeout it was and I have to say, Ethan loved it! Ah well!

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