An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Stay at home dad, sort of

Last night, I rode with the Fort Worth Critical Mass. Nicky Stevens, one of my favorite people, was on that ride. He is a true American hero.

Let me digress a little. Back in those crazy 1960's, Women's Liberation was supposed to set BOTH women and men free. No one was going to be defined my their genitalia. Somehow the whole message got highjacked and turned into either a joke or a radicalized movement.

Nicky gives me hope that those ideas are bearing fruit. He is living proof that men can father at home. Contratry to Hollywood sitcoms, a stay at home dad doesn't have to mimic mom. I marvel at his endurance when he rides his boys to the grocery store on this Big Dummy bike. He is there when his son takes a header off his first bike. The ex Army chose to be that parent at home to direct the life of his kids. I think if more fathers would make that choice, we may have a more stable crop of kids.

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