Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Be careful what you wish for...

...you may just get it. Story of my life.

Like many, I have always loved rainbows and the the visible light spectrum. When my child was little I brought him a prism and we kept it by the window. When I took up photography I looked for this prism but could not find it. I tried to buy one online but couldn't find one at the time. I kept it in my mind to look out for one and hoped that the universe would eventually provide. A wish upon a mistake.

A while back we got a new front door and I choose some beautiful shaped glass. It wasn't until the workman had gone home, and the sun came out, that I realised the big mistake. This glass splits the light and my home looks ridiculous. For the best part of the day, and it doesn't need to be that sunny, I have hundreds of little rainbows going up my hall walls and on the stair carpet. If I leave the hall door open these intrude into the living room. They are driving me crazy. So crazy that my I.Q is dropping to below zero. I know this because, in a moment of not thinking, I threw something down on the living room floor to hide one of them. It didn't hide it, of course. It simply reappeared on the item, as you would expect. When I try to read, I am often disturbed by this light - as this photograph shows.

I should possibly make use of the light in my photography but I guess it would look cheesy. Who would believe that I have a rainbow over my clock???

But it is true! I do.

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