Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Upside : Downside.

Basically, I suppose, I'm a glass half full sorta bloke but can often sit on the fence and see BOTH sides... Upside and down side.
Like f'rinstance
The up-side to retirement is no matter when the good weather occurs you can use it.
The down-side ... You don't get any bank holidays.

I know there's a bank holiday looming if any 2 of three happenings occur.
1. People are shopping like the shops'll be shut for no less than 3 weeks.
2. You can't move for cars.
3.  Four pints of milk arrive on the step instead of 3.

Two of them happened today, 3 & 2. Wakened up to 4 milk and took 20mins to cover the mile from the A66/M6 roundabout to Morrison's to shop and fuel up.

OH? The Blip.

I think I used Flander & Swann before.
'' 'Twas on a Thursday that the glazier came to call.'' In this instance it was a Friday morning.

For lo these MANY moons the window cleaner and I drove ourselves demented. I'm sure he thought I never cleaned the inside of the window and I was beginning to doubt his efficiency.
I then noticed that a couple of windows had lost their seal.
Today they fixed it/them for about 1/3 - 1/4 of what Everest quoted for the smaller of the two, after telling us they could not replace the glass only as the thickness used was now different and they'd need to renew glass, plastic, window, the LOT.

The ''Upside'' is as it was, the ''Downside'' is as it now is, and YES there is glass in.

The other downside is I no longer have an excuse NOT to clean the window(s).

The other upside is I can now Blip Birds from the kitchen window without disturbing them.

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