Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Jumble Insiders

I can't be there on the day of the annual Scout Jumble Sale, but you'll always find me there the night before to help set up. Because they are a good bunch of folks, because its a good cause, because its strangely satisfying to play shops for a few hours and try to make jumble look enticing, and lets face it, because i get to do an advance trawl of the goodies to spot and pay for something before the frenzied crowds the next day.

Last year i bought a lovely vintage dress (which made sorting and laying out the second hand clothes - beware old pants! - worthwhile) This year there was sadly less clothes to sort, but i bagged a hall runner and Sprog no.1 chose a crazy looking army truck toy thing (payoff for having to help). Was tempted by strange antique firepit, but it'll be someone elses treasure tomorrow.

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