
By Appreciation

Key of Life

A chance cup of tea with Helen today gave me the source of my blip. It is best read and viewed with this.

So, now that you are listening and dancing you can consider how, if like me, you keep your keys all together on one bunch, they contain your life!

I have my house keys, car keys, allotment and shed keys, and my mother's house keys on the one bunch. It is the only way I can function properly - to have them all together, close to me. Nothing worse than leaving the house with car keys but no house keys!

Helen, who has more keys than me, considered that she could do with losing a few sets. I'm sure we all feel a bit like that sometimes. Temporarily losing the office keys may make life a bit easier, or losing the car keys could save money and my waistline.

But there is one key which isn't here. The key to my heart, filled with the precious people and memories of precious things. I never let anyone near that key.

What key would you dump given the chance?

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