what's the time??

it's blip o'clock and quite late!

We just had to do our Butterflies Impression with cars, me in and up the drive so that ds1 could get out and then dh moved his car across the drive and then me back onto the parking area leaving enough room for ds1 to come back and dh to get out in the morning

it's a bit like one of those puzzles with all the odd shaped pieces that have to reform to a certain shape and if someone arrives home in the wrong order it all goes a bit PeteTong.

Talking of things going a bit PeteTong, my car had to have something done to the not rattling one little bit exhaust to stop it from starting a serious rattling habit, and to get it through its MOT.....that allegedly fixed exhaust is now rattling like a very badly fixed rattly thing being violently shaken in a tin <very cross face>

Bloody mechanic must have put ideas in its head!

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