Little Bird

Mr Lif was walking the dogs when I got home tonight. When he returned he told me there was a little bird lying on the driveway in a bad state. When I went out the wee thing had moved but was not able to fly.

We thought the best thing for it was to take it off the ground and put it out of the way of cats and dogs so I got a wee box and scooped it up and we popped it on the birdhouse with fresh food and water. It rested there for an hour and then it was gone.

We went out and searched the enclosed, dog free area but could see nothing so we assumed it had found its wings and scarpered. We headed back in and then Mike spotted it on the patio floor. Goodness knows how it managed to make it to there. Mike picked it up in his hand and moved back into the garden. The wee thing would not move from his hand and seemed settledand enjoying being chatted to and stroked gently.

What to do? The weather forecast is vile. We have popped it in a birdcage in the house, where it is now sleeping (and breathing)

So, two questions blippers - have we done the right thing. We think we might keep it in overnight and then free it. Advice welcome

Second one - what is it? I know its not a robin :) A housemartin is our best guess so far.

Any other hints or tips/advice welcome

Happy Friday blippers. :)

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