Sign o' the times

Worked from home today and went into Dundee at lunchtime with Mrs P to do a spot of shopping. Spotted this whilst walking along the road. All the brass nameplates have been removed for some reason, revealing these old signs for previous inhabitants so I took the camera out and took a shot "just incase". Mrs P took that as her que to head back into the bookshop and make two more purchases!

Sure enough, no opportunity for going out blipping tonight so having that one in the bag was a good call.

I love old written signs like this on buildings. Mr friend owns a sign company and whilst the new ones he churns out for signage, vehicles etc can be very detailed and look good, these old painted ones and the font used just stand out and instantly remind you of an era gone bye as soon as you see them.

I looked up The United Alkali Company on t'internet and that sign must be 90+ years old, as the company merged with others to form ICI in 1929!
Interestingly (well to me anyway), one of the architects were responsible for designing Mennies (The Speedwell Tavern), a fine mans boozer on Dundees Perth Road.


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