Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

American Sycamore

Not the most inspiring of shots but I thought I had better post something to tell you all that I am still alive. If you can call this living. :-)

Motivation is a big issue for me these days and it is not helped by the sultry conditions that are a feature of the summer months in Jacksonville. At least we are not getting Hurricane Irene, which seemed to be the case on Monday, according to the computer forecasts. Why do they bother when these forecasts five days into the future are so inaccurate?

Commiserations to whoever does eventually get to feel endure the brunt of Irene.

I forced myself to get out this evening in order to go and buy a get well card for my dearest friend whom I have known for 37 years. On Saturday, she had to have emergency surgery and was only given a 50/50 chance of pulling through. Thankfully, she made it.

I meant to get a card for her on Monday during the weekly visit to the grocery store but forgot. My mental acuity is not all that it should be. A further instance was me thinking August 25 was yesterday. I tell you, I am losing it and losing it fast.

To be honest, I am not sure if I ever had it in the first place. :-)

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