My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Who or What am I?????

Hi everyone

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Hope your well and having a good week the weekend is nearly here.

Can anyone give me an idea what this bird is we walked passed the Animal center this afternoon and he was or she poking their head about and walking up and down, i thought they looked pretty cute and missed them yesturday as i loved the horses and the kiddies having fun on the hay bails lol. So any thoughts would be great there are 2 of them and they have long necks and long legs.

Thomas and Olivia are great we are hoping to go to clacton air show tomorrow but the weather looks pants and we will all wear red for Lt Jon Egging such a sad loss and R.I.P to such a brave man and thoughts with his family.

Ill see what i get tomorrow and hope my blip is ok for today sorry if its not great hope to get a cool plane tomorrow or the kiddies.

Vicky. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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