A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

What little boys are made of, part II.

Eppu keeps sucking his finger. I wonder if he is teething already, probably not.

So alone with the kids today. My husband's mum came over when I went to the doctor's and I ended up at the dentist. He yanked my wisdom tooth right out of my mouth. Said that I wouldn't be in pain no longer. I sure hope he is right. I can't believe that one tooth can make me so ill. I was so tired and so much in pain. Still am but it is getting better. So happy they found out the reason. Let the healing begin. :)

Thank you all for your kind comments. Those always cheer me up even when I'm feeling very low. Oh, another good news is that this weekend we are having a Venetsialaiset. It's a party that ends the cottage season. Fireworks and all and because of it my husband is coming home already tomorrow for two days! Yay!

Have a great day you all.

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