Looking to the heavens

Actually, I was busy inside, in my office (where that brightly lit window is) whilst my camera stood outside for 2 hours taking photos.

They've been stacked, hence why the exif says its not a long exposure. Technically, it's not...it's lots of shorter exposures (450+).

I was lacking inspiration and so resorted to straightforward and easy. I also managed to get a nice clear trail of The International Space station by stacking 6 of the pictures together and an alternative version of the star trail using 600 exposures instead of 450.

In a bit of a change of style for me as well, I also created a little time lapse video of the two hours...shortened down to 41 seconds - it's quite pretty.

That's all. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, like today, so I need to get into my bed.

Night peeps

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