Darrell K Morris

By darrellkmorris

ME Super

8.15 p.m. My Flat, Brockley, South East London.

The quality of photography this week may be a touch below the usual standards this week as I am in the final stages of moving and 'My Flat' currently resembles a scene from Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas minus the drug stash, Jefferson Airplane or a drugged up Samoan in the bathroom.

It does include far too many CD's, old records and old penguin paperbacks. I will have to sort out and sadly get rid of essential items this week. One item that I dug out of a box shall never leave me and that is my first 'proper' camera. I had to save six weeks worth of dole money to get it. I think I may need to save six months worth of dole money to get a new flat.

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