Day to day today

By Jewels4663

Young love!

I try to go out for a walk for an hour everyday, as I work from home and it helps to clear my head to take a break - it usually works, and I can get on with things in the afternoon rather than spinning a dozen plates!

It was a beautiful day, so off I went. My route takes me over an old World War I airfield, which is now a beautiful meadow, across a huge field, and then back along the seafront.

As I walked along the front, a young girl went past me and seemed to be in a real hurry. Not long after, she met her boyfriend - he had obviously walked in the opposite direction to meet her! After a (very) affectionate greeting, they carried on in the direction the girl had been going.

I just thought they were really sweet together, and managed to grab this image as they walked on in from of me. Oh, to be that age again!!

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