Life & Times - Kris24

By Kristofer

Back To Blipping - Flat Hunt....

Firstly I would like to apologise my fellow Blippers, for my lack of Blipping over the last couple of months...

But now I am back in the country and back taking photo's so there should hopefully not be any more gaps...

Today was started off with Lynn and I having a chilled out morning in bed watching rubbish TV and having some breakfast/lunch...

Then off to Edinburgh I went, to try and find the much needed flat that we need so we are not homeless when Lynn starts Uni on the 5th September...

It went well... I think just need to wait until tomorrow morning when hopefully I will receive a phone call from one of two chaps offering us their flat to live in...

We will wait and see...

Today's Blip is from the Hollyrood park which is right next door to one of the flats I went to see today.... The preferred flat.


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