Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The fuschia's bright...

Not very much else is bright in the garden today.

The lavender is almost over. One or two bees are still buzzing from flower to odd solitary flower on the few remaining stalks.
The marigolds are still bravely orange but somehow not invitingly enough to activate my blip appetite. Should have tried harder...

Earlier, in the garden, a robin, some long-tailed tits, a dunnock and blackbirds flitted around.
Either the light was wrong or I was all of a froth, faffing over something else.
I missed all available photo opportunities anyway.
I felt quite cavalier about it, until about 9pm.
Then I had a flashback of how I used to feel as a schoolgirl on a Sunday evening, if I hadn't done my homework for the next day!

Oh well.
I might not have a great blip, but at least I'm not trying to tell you that my Aunt's dog ate the one I did earlier.
I hope I don't have that horrid dream tonight.. The one where I haven't done my homework and it's 'assemberley' ... And I'm naked...

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