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By Sidhion


well this is embarrassing, I went to the exam this morning at 9:30 only to find out it was at 14:30. At least I didn't mix it up the other way round. Went to the library for the time I had to wait to study a bit more as I had all my notes with me.

Went to the exam at the proper time and I think although it was hard a always it went a lot better than the one I failed in december.

Went home and did something I hadn't done for a long time, play PC games.
Decided to finally start playing through Deus Ex. Its a great game, just very unforgiving. I also set up a Terraria server to play with a friend sometime.

Finally done with all resits, this means I can finally have a social life again. Only who is around to have a social life with and who would want to be around me? :P

also uploaded lots of blips for the past days starting here.

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