Photos I Took.

By Jimbocee

Birthday Portrait

One year down. Can't really remember what life was like before Blipping; these days it's just part of the daily routine and I find it difficult to be without a camera for any length of time. OK, let's have a round up

A Personal Top Ten(ish) From The Last Year;
Nirk Molina
St Paul's
Telephone Wires
Marrakech and Paris (Ken Fit? Travel)
Lion Girl
Blue Steel
Royal Deeside

The People's Choice Award - Fanboy Moment

A Special Mention To The Only Snap To Be Censored By The Powers-That-Blip. (Also my most viewed Blip despite only being up for 7 hours.) - F**k The Royal Wedding

Some Thoughts on Snapping; Most of my Blips have been accidents, just cool things I've seen in the course of my day that I've snapped. (Good snaps are everywhere.) Very few of them involve movement, probably because movement snaps generally require a bit of planning or being really really lucky. Two of my Top Ten were taken in the same club in Brixton. Another two were taken on Houghton Street. None of them are of family or friends. I wish I'd learned about white balance & ISO number earlier. I'm not very good at flash photography or low light situations; all about the bright colours.

Some New (Blip) Year's Resolutions; Do more compositions - plan it and snap it. Learn how to use a flashgun. Some muted colours wouldn't go amiss. More movement!

Thanks to everyone who looked at my snaps, hope you enjoyed them.

So. To sum up. What do you think Della?
It's Been
I agree.

Thanks for the snap Brendan.

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