That Will Do!

By flumgummery

New Potatoes

My vegetable patch is very good at growing weeds. One of the remedies to clear ground is to grow potatoes, as when earthing them up and harvesting, weeds are uprooted. We grow them every year, same variety, Maris Peer.

I cannot claim a single shred of credit for these as Mr Flum did all the work from chitting, planting, earthing-up, harvesting and now washing them to store. This is a small proportion of the crop. He even cooked the first tasting for today's dinner. Delicious.

To be fair, though, I did insist that we buy the seed potatoes as soon as they arrived in the shops and get them out of those net bags before they sprouted, so I did help. Just a bit.

I have back-blipped the last two days, which I was too busy to do earlier.

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