What was I thinking?!

James has his two best buddies staying over tonight. His room is sub-tropical in terms of temperature as the window and door have been shut since they put themselves in there earlier this evening. Obviously, having the window open was not an option, until Mummy put her foot down after nearly passing out. The room has an interesting aroma of salty and sweet popcorn, banana milkshake and 'eau de boy'. I'm sure by morning that farts will be added to that heady mix.

Anyway, the invitation of friends, to which I could not say no, has scuppered my plans as I fully intended to drag James off to M&S this evening to buy school uniform items and then to enforce a major sorting out and tidying up in his room. That will now happen on Friday due to a combination of other factors.

I have managed to successfully complete Jenny and Andrew's wedding album today - it's just uploading to the print supplier. I'm pleased with it - can't wait for it to be delivered so we can go and visit them and hand it over.

Also have made purchases from Avon to be delivered - I have decided that wrinkle avoidance/minimisation is now necessary. Also ordered a couple of Slimming World recipe books. It is probably somewhat ironic that a few hours later, I ordered a dozen cakes from The Baking Bird - a fellow blipper who has taken the plunge and set herself up in business baking beautifully decorated, scrumptious cakes.

So, I am wondering what time these boys will crash out. It better hadn't be too late otherwise Mummy is going to have her third major stroppiness attack of the evening! Which would be very unfair, as James and his friends are all lovely and undeserving of my rage!

I think a cup of tea, a piece of toast and maybe the drawing up of a list of jobs that need doing so that I can face the world head on tomorrow morning.

Night peeps

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