
22months + 1day

What a gorgeous day today! We've had a really great one, despite a 4.50 awakening from little lady. But that was the first I heard from her after putting her to bed at 6.45 last night, so Im pretty happy with it really.

Big morning in the Mummy and Moo household. It was Katie's first visit to nursery. Because it was her first, I was to stay with her this time to settle her. She was a little overwhelmed at first - mainly because all other children ran to her and surrounded her at one point, being friendly but also understandably daunting, especially as she was noticeably the littlest.

Despite this, she didnt take long before she got stuck in with the activities. She went inside and watched the fish in his tank for a while, before doing a picture with the dabbers. She then sat with the others at the little tables and chairs and ate up a snack. After snack, she ran and played with the farm, going through all her animals and noises. She then went back outside, saw the climbing frame with slide and said "not like it slide", climbed up it, with some hesitation went down it and said "again, moremore slide". Whilst outside she insisted she took her shoes off, and the staff were ok with that which is a bit of a relief. She then went inside and did two fingerpaintings, well, whole hand paintings really. A success all in all!

After nursery, we had a mummy & katie outing to the Maize Maze. It was a great time! We started off pottering around the sunflowers, which she was very interested in, before we even went into the main bit. She had a long play in the sand box, then ran into the maze. She did a few paths, before going back out again. We went to the space hoppers, which she absolutely loved. She then discovered the tractors & cars and was so excited. She came back to the cars over and over during the afternoon. We then went into the marquee for a picnic and a play with the giant connect4, before we went back into the maze. She really enjoyed the second time, running very fast along the paths and telling me "this way" "no that way". Lots of fun!

I hadnt even started the car in the car park before she was asleep. I had to pick up a card, and got her out the car ready to put her into her buggy when I realised I didnt have it. She slept on my shoulder as we went to the shop! We got home and she wanted a walk out here (to find Teddy she said). We were walking along to find teddy, and she stopped, pulled off (and ripped) her nappy and disgarded it. Hmm. Anyways, we bought a pineapple and some little oranges, and returned home (in a new nappy).

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