Northern Exposure

By Northern

Pentland Firth

For what can be one of the most dangerous stretches of water in the world it was looking rather pretty today.

This is the view from the headland at the south of South Ronaldsay where you land if you come by John o Groats ferry. There were certainly lots of tourists enjoying what must have been a very pleasant crossing. To the left on the horizon you can see Scotland and the headland in the middle of the shot is Dunnet Head. Which is the most Northerly point of the Scottish Mainland.

That's the third time I've down the run down to Burwick and back, 34km round trip, and it's feeling slightly easier each time. Mind you the sunshine and light wind made all the difference. Fingers crossed for the same conditions for our charity cycle on Saturday unfortunately the forecast is for rain and a force 6 wind. Isn't that something to look forward to!

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