Big breath!

It turned out to be Tuur's birthday today; in Belgium it seems that the presents aren't such a big deal (they weren't always torn open straight away!), but you do get to wear a crown all day. Tuur blew out all the candles on his cake, which is still in its box in this image, but his rascally papa had used the sort of candles that re-ignite themselves, so he practically hyperventilated trying finally to put them out.

The lack of sleep (mosquitoes/heat/farmyard noises) is becoming noticeable; I managed to do half an hour of yoga to check that I was still capable of movement. Danny played the banjo later on, which was lovely to hear; the first time she's done it within earshot of anyone else I think. After some music in the evening the oldies were prevailed upon by the teenagers to join in some games of Werewolves. (I think we took pity on them because of the heroic way they were surviving without the internet). After I had been eaten by werewolves and was out of the game I found that it was much better fun watching the survivors playing.

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