Hot hot hot
Our guests left early today, and we all got up to see them off - before racing straight back to bed for another three hours sleep. Another stiflingly hot night last night - so hard to sleep. I think next August we'll be doing what most other folk do and heading somewhere cool for a few weeks. It feels somewhat churlish to be complaining about the weather, having complained about the cold in Scotland so much, but there you have it.
Very lazy day today. Mr B took his turn at driving Katherine over to her lesson this morning and stopped in at the MBH to check all was well - or at least no more broken than usual. Otherwise we have lounged, watched a movie, sat around, aired the house, killed the 20,000 flies that flew in while we were airing the house (the charm of being surrounded by farmland is beginning to wear off - and the manure-spreading is getting closer and closer to the house.)
A dinner of leftovers, slumped in front of the telly, beckons later. After, of course, I've picked all the chillis and chopped them for the freezer. Oh, and I discovered the cause of the sudden-courgette-death: nothing to do with lack of water, but more to do with the large rodent hole under the plant. Are courgette roots particularly tasty?
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