Moments that Matter

By amie

Vintage Baybeee

Last minute blip? Yes.
To be honest, today wasn't any different from any other. I finished my book, 'Safe Haven' which I mentioned in a previous blip. It was about a young lady in her twenties who married a man who had split personalities. She attempted to escape the marriage numerous times, but failed. This time she did flee, successfully for a few months - and those months that she did escape, were good months - until her husband (who was involved with the police/a good detective) pieced together some of his wifes suspicious actions.. The rest, well you'll have to read the book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Even shed a few tears here and there. A few unexpected twists too!
Whereas, the rest of my day involved: work, tv, computer, food, tea, more tv and more tea.

Hope you had a happy Saturday. Na' night blippers.

P.s For those who watched X factor tonight - how good was Janet Devlin? Wee angel!

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