The Daily Bun

By pennybun

With fronds like these, who needs anemones?

Using up some of the plums again today - this time baking crumbles. Last night I badger-watched until 1am but it must have been much later when it came because the windfall plums were eaten, and the peanut trail and stash were gone by the morning. Perhaps because it was Friday night, and the streets were noisier with comings and goings...? If that's the case, I think it will be the same tonight, in fact someone is having a firework party nearby, so I'm going to get an early night and go out for an early morning walk tomorrow.
And the blip? Well, for some reason, ferns seen to do very well in my garden, and I don't discourage them, as they such attractive plants. This is a close-up of a self-sown hart's tongue fern, which is in its turn is producing some fine spores for the next generation.
Apologies for the pun!

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