To fill a gap
After yesterday's excitement in Teesdale, today was a fairly quite day. Mum and I went to the Summer Fair in Hexham and enjoyed looking at all the stalls. On the way home we called in at Down To Earth for one or two things. I bought this rudbekia to fill a gap in the herbaceous border.
I've been trying to return various piles of junk essential items to the study after the not very recent clear out and tidy up. "Like putting a quart into a pint pot" was the comment from the senior member of the household.
This image has had a bit of post processing work done to it. It started in RAW with a little basic sharpening and exposure balance. Then the main flower was selectively sharpened in Photoshop. The background one was blurred out using a Smart Layer and Gaussian blur. When I applied the auto correction in curves the colours shifted and the blue background appeared. The centre of the flower should be black rather than blue, but I liked the result so I've used it.
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