
By jkj10

The Longboat Dweller

The kid did very well today. The surgery went smoothly and he didn't need to have plates or pins inserted. Which was a huge relief. We were there until six when I finally begged them to discharge him and let him recover in his own comfy bed. I think they could see that I wasn't taking no for an answer. The staff at St. Mary's were truly wonderful. They took such good care of my sweet boy.

My gorgeous best friend showed up to offer me a little moment to myself. She gave Spence a lift home so I could have a quick walk through Paddington along the canal in Little Venice. It felt so good to be out of the hospital and I can always distract myself from anything troubling me if I have my camera with me. I have been wanting to photograph this striking man for some time now. The people who live on the longboats are an interesting bunch. Very territorial and not particualrly open to strangers and their lenses. I thought 'd give it a go today but didn't expect him to yes. I was very surprised when he did. He has the most intense gaze and very beautiful grey blue eyes. I think he might be my favourite of all the male strangers I have photographed this year.

A few more including the cutest sailor girl.

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