
By PrimeMart

Home Again

2 days ago I stopped for lunch in France, in a small village, and tried to find some shade, as the sun beamed down. I ate a freshly baked baguette with local cheese, local tomato and black pepper. Local water melon made a succulent dessert. I walked around a monument and cemetary to those who fell in the Great War, and had poignant thoughts.

Today I stopped for lunch at Reading services in the pissing rain, grumbled at the stinking dogs, and snarled at the arguing teens. I ate a slice of stale 3 day old bread with a laughing cow cheese triangle. Dessert was.... well it was n't! I could not walk around because of the heavy rain, today's blip is rain dripping off the window I opened to remove the fugue emanating from Poppy who must have eaten something ghastly.

Having said all of that it is great to be back home. I enjoyed my time away but home is always special.

It was great to see Poppy again yesterday, she had a great time with my mum, and I am sure they will miss each other. Back home in South Glos and Poppy and Freak the cat have resumed their emnity.

A big thank you to all those who followed Mart's Magical Mystery Bore and took time to comment, it is much appreciated. I took a blip and wrote it up daily, but could only post it when I could find some wifi, and could kick Dozy and Jacca off of Facebook. The blip I am most pleased with includes Tracey not wearing very much, and Dozy trying not to drown

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