
By Nigel


This was a test shot that I intended to expand upon but didn't get chance.

Then first born beautiful daughter (as now believe to be the correct monicker) called unexpectedly and for the first time in her 21 years we had a conversation where she realised how political adult families can be. She probably thought kids bickered but she is now discovering adults do it but so much more discreetly, and at times, shockingly. It was quite good fun, at one point I mentioned I might come down next weekend via the farmers market and bring something interesting to cook. Apparently she likes that, and I thought I was forcing my love of food and cooking on her. But no, it will be welcome escape and she likes the fact that thanks to me and Jen she has at least tried almost every imaginable thing under the Sun and can comment with experience that crocodile, for instance, tastes like fishy chicken.

First Android suite shipped to testing (I say shipped but that is a misnomer, testing is two desks down from me) today and wat has been two very intense months of learning will come to a brief pause, until we enter the next phase in preparation for an October shipping that will, literally, be shipping to Melbourne for the infamous 1.0!

Ok, too much Douglas Coupland for one night, it's time for bed.

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