My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

After the Rain

Hi everyone

Look at the drops bigger

Well all my heart is perfect and my liver is ok, the scan on my gall bladder was ok but because you cant tell much from a scan my doctor is refering me to see a surgen for talks and more test as the pain im getting is in the right place, so more tests to come. Just glad my hearts ok apart from a heart murmer. Thankyou for all your thoughts it means so much. Let hope the surgen has more answers for me as my mum had hers out when she was 30 and the doctor said all the symptons and place still sound like the gall bladder.

Back to my blip, this was taken on the way to the doctors you know me and waterdrops, this was the rain drops from the night before they were just calling me. It nearly made me late for my appointment but i couldnt resist and only had my bridge camera with me as im trying not to take the big camera out all the time.

Thomas and Olivia have had a lovely day small tantrums today.
Hope you are all well and hugs to you all and thankyou.


Vicky. xxxx

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