
By marshland

Little Mermaid

Another busy day at the beach today. My mum's friends, Karen and Chris, came to our house for the day, so we packed up a picnic and wondered down to our beautiful beach. Chris is so much fun. He played frisbee with us and we practiced our stone skimming skills (I was the best, of course!!!) Mum and Karen didn't stop talking all afternoon, so they were both happy too!

All beached-out, we meandered home and got out the playing cards. To make it a little more fun we also got out an old tin of buttons and played cards for buttons (if you're reading this, sorry dad - but it was fun!). Libby is a hyperactive maniac when it comes to playing cards. She is a bad loser, but an even worse winner. Note to self: do not compete against Libby in future.

My day finished off at our local leisure centre for Libby's swimming club lesson. Libby is a bit like a mermaid in real life I suppose as she's never happier than when she's swimming.

One day closer to dad coming home :)

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