Mum's garden

Through at Mum's this afternoon and this is a shot of her garden. I have blipped it before I think. When I was young this was planted in strawberries plus another plot and a field. ( The reason I am not overfond of strawberries!!) The holly tree on the right is where I had my little garden and where my love of gardening began!

At the age of 86 Mum keeps the place good order although today she was not happy with the state of the grass. The council had not cut it to her satisfaction . In South Lanarkshire the senior citizens have to pay over £350 per year to have their grass cut although in other areas it is free.

It is a very big area to cut and I think it is good value for money over the summer months but Mum likes it looking good so no doubt the choccy biscuits and juice will not appear if it is not done properly the next time!

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