Fairy Penguins.

I just love these little guys.

Today I had fire training. There were only 3 of us doing it as most people had done their's a week earlier on my day off.

Anyway, it consisted of reading through a booklet with a "fire expert". a practical demonstration on using a fire blanket and a fire extinguisher,and a questionnaire.

The booklet was easy to understand, the practical demonstration a piece of cake, and the questionnaire was multiple-choice.

I heard later the other 2 had to re-do the questionnaire as they'd both got a question wrong.

I felt really chuffed as being the 'old lady' of the trio, they'd been taking the mickey out of me, saying I'd probably fail. (they were only joking!)

But I had a certain feeling of satisfaction as I left today, with Dumb & Dumber!

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