Two Thousand Photos

By ajinternational

The Aubery

I'm well known to my friends for being a hotel snob. I can't help it.

Sadly, I've got champagne tastes and a buckfast budget.

But every now and then I'll justify splurging a wee bit more, to stay somewhere extra special.

We flew into Santiago de Chile this afternoon. It's chilly in Chile. There's snow on the mountains, and the air is cool and crisp - a glass or two of glühwein wouldn't go amiss.

We're staying in the beautifully restored The Aubrey hotel - lots of nook and crannies to explore - this is the 'Read Room' on the 2nd floor landing.

On a side note I wouldn't be at all surprised if this place is haunted - there's just something about stately period houses, with pictures that seem to follow you around the room, no matter what country you're in!

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