Jo and Brydie Play Doctors at Gilded Balloon

There are times when being a photographer is more than snapping a show and then moving, sometimes it's about finding friends and these two girls are lovely, lovely people that I would really recommend that you go and see before the Edinburgh Fringe finishes for this year.

You may recognise them from last years hit show, Princess Cabaret. This year two of the cast return with a character comedy called Jo and Brydie Play Doctors. There are magical stunning effects as flip charts are turned, life like animatronics as Brydie tries to fulfil her child bearing needs and scenes of intense romanticism between the two girls (now if that doesn't appeal to the chaps then nothing will!)

They are on at 3:45 in the Gilded Balloon Balcony, a roomy 60 seat venue (two of which are beautiful thrones for the lucky people in the audience), so please go and fill this venue for these two wonderful girls.

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