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So much can change in the small space of 2 weeks! The garden is flourishing, very green and lush....but not much in the way of ripened veggies.....feels like everything is still about 2-3 weeks behind! the corn was probably twice the size last year by this time, the zucs and the cucs were being enjoyed in salads etc.....but so far, there isn't much in the way of variety! lots of swiss chard, kale, spinach, lettuce etc....the tomatoes aren't looking too promising, but we've had a good few days of warm sunny weather with the promise of more of the same for the next few days! Hopefully by the end of August we will be enjoying some of the other veggies!

But the addition is coming along nicely! I missed the opportunity to photograph the raising of the wall.....with the help of a few other guys, it was put in place a couple of days ago!

The showroom has been hopping - there have been masses of visitors, and most of them left with a purchase or 2!!!! I have Terry and Richard to thank for their attention to customers and doing the Farmer's Market both weeks for me....Thanks Guys!!!
So the shelves are looking pretty bare....i guess i know what i'm doing for the next few days! This makes me happy to tell the truth...i love being in the studio, working, listening to music or the own lilttle space!

I'm planning to fill in the back blips from the holiday....but i've got hundreds of shots to go thro, might take me a day or 2! but that will be fun also!

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