Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Chasing a quad bike

Look how lovely and sunny it has been this afternoon.

I went to the beach and played with my ball, I played with other dogs and I went swimming.

....................And then I spotted the lifeguard on his quad bike .........................

The lifeguard was driving the quad bike right to the edge of the water so he could move the flags. He was going quite fast and I thought I'd see if I was speedy enough to catch him ..................... so off I went into chase mode.

Ann was furious with me. She shouted, 'MOLLY LEAVE'. Sometimes I have selective hearing! I was just as speedy as the quad bike and when I caught up with it the lifeguard stopped it. I would have liked to have chased it a bit more. Then Ann caught up with me, she apologised to the lifeguard and told me I was a very naughty girl.

I was made to sit and wait while the lifeguard drove off. Ann stood right in front of me and said if I dared to even move a muscle I'd be going back on my lead and straight back to the car. She made me sit and wait for ages until the lifeguard had got to the other end of the beach. ..........................That wasn't much fun!

For the rest of my walk I was a perfectly behaved collie and played properly.

Then, when we got back to the car, Ann dried me and cuddled me. She said she still loves me but wonders why I can't be a 'perfect pooch' all the time?????

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