A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A wait with a view

After saying an early goodbye to my folks, today has been spent waiting for a man and a van and a washing machine to arrive. We're still waiting. About an hour ago (6pm) I attempted a finding out what's going on telephone call. My Spanish isn't really up to this level of technical conversation - not formulaic enough and far too much potential for being asked things I have no clue about. Anyway, I gave it a shot and I came away from the call thinking it is still a possibility that it will arrive today and it will be before 8pm. So that's the time we have given ourselves to end the waiting game for today and head into town for dinner.

In the meantime, I am giving you my view which has been blipped before, as it is one of my favourite places to sit here in the evening. It's not a bad view for doing some waiting.

Have just been called upon to give directions on the phone. The problem is that I know what I'm saying (up to a point); I'm just less clear on what they're saying. And actually if what I'm saying is what they need to hear. f it happens it will be a small miracle...

Lesley x

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