The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker


This is like Benek's Blip, and I make no apologies either.

I was thrilled to get two blips into Rated together, one of the Moon and Plane and the other one of a Wasp Macro., the moon was at No 1 with 15 5/5 votes and the wasp was at No 1 with 11 5/5 votes, that is until the Phantom 1/5 voter struck, and knocked them both off the top.

I have also noticed Flick
was there too at No1 and so was Tracyflowerpot, all until The Phantom 1/5 struck again.

I would not mind a 1/5 and criticism of the shot if I had done something wrong, like out of focus or bad exposure, or even over Photoshopped any of these I could be accused of with some degree accuracy and harsh criticism.

No, this TOERAG just votes and pisses off.

Many have turned their rated bar off, BUT NOT ME, YOU LITTLE SHIT, I take it as Benek says a compliment that your are running scared and these blips are just worth a 4 or 5 vote, I know Flick's and TFP's were.

Rant over, I hope most folks pass by sometime and leave comment and the odd vote if the blip is worth it.


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